Process Explorer 11.21 – update

I’ve been really busy in the last two months, but now I’m back and I’ll go ahead with the analysis of Process Explorer.


Always on top – used to put the main Process Explorer’s windows on top of all the others

Replace Task Manager – Really interesting function. When selected, the Process Explorer will replace the original Task Manager. If you want to put the task manager back, just click again on the same option and it will be restored.

Hide when minimized – when flagged, only the icon in the traybar will be displayed and not the icon in the taskbar.

Allow only one instance – if enabled, it will prevent to open more than one Process Explorer at the same time.

Confirm Kill – if checked, everytime you try to kill a process, you’ll be asked for confirmation

CPU History in tray icon – when enabled you’ll see an icon in the traybar next to the clock with the CPU usage history

I/O History tray icon – same than the previous option, but the I/O output will be shown

Verify Image Signatures – If enabled, Process Explorer will checks if a process’ image has been digitally signed by a certificate authority that is trusted by the computer. The Process Explorer will show Trusted (if it’s signed and trusted), Unsigned, or “Not Verified” (if is not trusted).

Configure Symbols – Taken from the Help file: ”

on Windows NT and higher, if you want Process Explorer to resolve addresses for thread start addresses in the threads tab of the process properties dialog and the thread stack window then configure symbols by first downloading the Debugging Tools for Windows package from Microsoft’s web site and installing it in its default directory. Open the Configure Symbols dialog and specify the path to the dbghelp.dll that’s in the Debugging Tools directory and have the symbol engine download symbols on demand from Microsoft to a directory on your disk by entering a symbol server string for the symbol path. For example, to have symbols download to the c:symbols directory you would enter this string:


ning in the Tray

Configure Highlighting – Use it to define which colors you want to assign to every kind of processes

Difference Highlight Duration Define how much time will the new processes appears in green and the closing/killed ones in red. The default is 1 second.

Font… – Choose the font that the software will use.

Next step is to describe the View and the Proces menus… Hope this will happen soon!

Thank you.

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