Category: Support

  • Software that will help you providing support

    In the past days I was surfing on the net searching for new versions of the tools I use daily to provide support. So I decided to create a big list of “priceless application” and publish a description of all of them. I’m interested in receiving some comment regarding the list and please, let me…

  • Welcome!

    Problems and solutions, this is our life. And this is even more true for all the support people in the IT world. This blog wants to open discussions on common ideas/thoughts, analyse useful software, provide good solutions to common issues or even just leave comments on funny episodes that everybody see everyday, providing support. My…

  • Introduction to the IT world

    Because of my job, I am in contact with dozens of people that on a daily basis ask me how they can start a career in IT or even how to understand if they are “cut for the job” or not. First of all, I think that one of the most important things that an…